© 2018 — 99Behind

The One Matters.

God intends for His loved ones to remain connected to His heart and to live life in a redemptive community. But there are those who, for many reasons, are lost and disconnected.

In Luke 15:4-7 Jesus tells a story of a shepherd who has 100 sheep and one of them is lost. He leaves the 99 to go after the one that is lost. That lost one matters to the shepherd.

Our work continues to focus on the L.O.S.T.

  • Lonely
  • Overlooked
  • Searching
  • Thirsty


so that in Jesus they may be F.O.U.N.D.

  • Fostering a safe place for them to share by listening to them and the Holy Spirit
  • Opening up the Word of God together
  • Unpacking their fears, hurts and wounds
  • Nurturing them spiritually to bring lasting healing
  • Discipling them for life-long connection to The Shepherd


At 99Behind the one matters. We recognize that each is a precious soul that Jesus died to save and restore. Our heart is to pursue the one, journey with them progressively through the Four Streams and unite or reunite them with a redemptive community.


  • Leaving the 99 behind to pursue the ones that are lost, rejected, disconnected, wounded, broken, marginalized, forgotten or weary.
  • Building relationships with them in their current environment.


  • Loving the lost where they are, yet loving them enough to not leave them there.
  • Sharing God’s love to Rescue them from the enemy and the kingdom of darkness, from a life of spiritual defeat and bondage, and even from the status quo.

The essence of our calling is summed up in a single word: Love.


  • Restoring the one to a their true identity in Christ through the power of The Holy Spirit.
  • Connecting them to genuine community and authentic discipleship to become the one that God intends.


  • Sending them out as mature followers of Christ who will help build God’s kingdom through the uniqueness of their gifts, talents and calling for God’s glory.